Gobles Foundation
Gobles Public Schools Foundation
Founded in 1983 the Gobles Public Schools Foundation was established to provide financial support for innovative educational programs that enhance academic excellence at the Gobles Public Schools.
As in 1983, funding for schools continues to rely on federal and state moneys for some of its operations. This continues today to create uncertainties while school boards prepare budgets. The foundation continues to look for areas to fund that are not supported by millage funds.
Foundation Recognition Wall
The Gobles Public Schools Foundation Recognition Wall is a good source of revenue that assists in providing enhanced and rewarding educational opportunities for students at Gobles Public Schools.
The Recognition Wall honors contributors while given them a chance to recognize the special individuals in their life. The solid oak, engraved bricks may be purchased to recognize birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, holiday gifts, outstanding accomplishments, class challenges, the memory of loved ones, etc. Each engraved brick is priced at $100 and includes two lines of print with 20 characters per line. Please complete the form at the link below and return to Gobles Public Schools Foundation make checks payable to same. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KKUxSuSmUOaD-OiHPyYuXNSnM1AmEhCb/view?usp=sharing
For Your Information
School financing has become an issue in Michigan with continued cuts in the per pupil amount given by the state. This has led to cuts in many school systems, including Gobles.
The Foundation has received several grant requests to pick up funding of programs because of budget cuts. Our by-laws guide the Board of Directors in their decision-making. Our goal is The promotion and support of educational activities of the School District either in the name of the Foundation or in conjunction with the School District, so as to provide broader opportunities than would be available solely from tax dollars and other government sources.
We continue to seek new and innovative grants for programs not offered at this time. Some of those are covered in this newsletter.
Additional funds are needed to honor grants. Please consider a donation or endowment to the Foundation.
Grant Application- April 2025